UGM’s Pharmacy – Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy at Gadjah Mada University held an Invited Lecture on “Global Competency Presentation,” on May 1, 2019. This time, PKG was organized by inviting undergraduate pharmacy students from Class of 2017. It is expected that this activity will improve the students’ abilities and skills, especially in the aspects of ethics and leadership.
The educational curriculum of Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy at UGM which has been adapted to the outcome-based education requires the active role of the students in the learning process. One of the facilities provided by the Faculty to support this event is the implementation of PKG. The most important part of PKG is to accelerate the students’ insight through knowledge sharing and life experiences of the speakers invited by the Study Program – by considering an excellent track record in their fields.
This year, UGM’s Pharmacy Study Program invited Dr. Sampurno, MBA, Apt., as the speaker of PKG. Sampurno delivered materials about leadership and pharmacist career. As a graduate of the UGM pharmacist who had served as Director General of POM, Sampurno talked a lot about his not necesarily pleasant experience as a government official in the Pharmacy sector.
Other than Sampurno, Wahyudi Anggoro, S.Farm., Apt. – an alumnus of UGM Pharmacy and now the Head of Panggungharjo Village, was also invited there. One can say it is a bear to make Panggungharjo into the best village in Indonesia. The hard work of building a village for the progress and welfare of its people had been started since 2013. In another session, Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS, Apt., and Dr. Nanang Munif Yasin, Apt. delivered on Pharmacy Ethics and Professionalism and Expertise.
From these inspirational stories, we can get a description on whatever profession the students choose in the future, leadership skills extremely need development to support other skills. To prepare themselves for the working world, the students also need to prioritize ethics, be it in their work and communication. (FA / Yeny PR).