

Learning Outcomes

To achieve the program education outcomes, the Bachelor of Pharmacy Program sets the following learning outcomes on which the graduates are expected to:

  • To demonstrate Pancasila’s values and awareness of the interest of the nation and the state. (A1)
  • To demonstrate honesty, responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner. (A2)
  • To master the concept of academic integrity in the field of pharmacy in general and the concept of plagiarism in particular, in terms of the type of plagiarism, the consequences of the offence and its prevention efforts. (K1)
  • To master the communication principles and techniques, adapting to new environments and cutting-edge technology, and building interpersonal and interprofessional relationships. (K2)
  • To master the principles of leadership and management, which are effective and efficient in performing tasks. (K3)
  • To seek, evaluate, and provide information about pharmaceutical products, additives and medical devices, and their rational use. (K4)
  • To be able to perform professionally and responsibly in accordance with statutory provisions, pharmaceutical norms and ethics. (K5)
  • To be able to identify and resolve problems related to the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products based on the latest scientific principles to optimize therapy. (S1)
  • To be able to implement the latest scientific and pharmaceutical technologies in the design, manufacture, quality assurance, and distribution of pharmaceutical products. (S2)
  • To be able to perform services (preparing, compounding, dispensing, and providing information and education) on pharmaceutical products according to the procedure (according to the patient’s needs along with pharmaceutical products’ quality assurance). (S3)
  • To master the science and technology for development and research in the field of pharmacy, especially those based on Indonesian natural wealth and local wisdom in resolving global health issues, and developing themselves sustainably. (S4)
  • To be able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking by utilising information technology to produce solutions realised in scientific documents and implementation of areas of expertise with integrity. (G1)
  • To be able to develop networks, be adaptive, creative and contributive, provide supervision, evaluate and make decisions in order to show independent and group performance to apply knowledge to community life. (G2)
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    The program is accredited by Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Indonesia (Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health) in 2024 according to LAM-PTKes 0389/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/VI/2024

    Organizational Structure


    Head of the Bachelor in Pharmacy Program


    Secretary of the Bachelor in Pharmacy Program



    Ningsririsdiyati, S.E.

    Head of Academic Section


    Trin Fatma Irawati






    Mita Sari Apituley



    Firman Romansyah



    Nur Widayati



    Rizky Suci Rahmawati


    Vision, Mission, and Objectives

    The vision of the Bachelor in Pharmacy Program is to be a pioneer in pharmacy undergraduate education which excels at the national level and international level as well as serves the interests of the nation and humanity imbued with Pancasila.


    1. Provide an undergraduate pharmacy education that receives national and international recognition.
    2. Conduct research in the field of pharmacy based on science and technology to solve health and humanitarian problems.
    3. Perform community service that benefits community welfare.

    Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

    The graduates of the degree program are expected to achieve all the following values:

  • To have leading knowledge in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, including production, quality control and assurance, inventory control, and distribution.
  • To have essential knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical care to collaborate with fellow health personnels in clinics and community.
  • To have excellent managerial skills to conduct pharmacy practices.
  • To engage in lifelong learning, especially to pursue higher degree including the pharmacist professional degree.
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    The Bachelor in Pharmacy Program (PSPF) is one of the degree programs under the management of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The Faculty of Pharmacy UGM itself was established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on September 27, 1946, under the name of Perguruan Tinggi Ahli Obat (Higher Education for Medicine Expertise), and up to 2019, PSPF has graduated more than ten thousand pharmacy graduates. As a proof of commitments to produce quality graduates, it has been accredited A by BAN-PT and in 2019 accredited A by LAMPT-KES.

    In line with its vision and mission, namely as a pioneer in pharmacy education with excellent national and international level; imbued with the core value of Universitas Gadjah Mada  “Locally Rooted, Globally Respected,” PSPSF is committed to producing graduates who excel as pharmacy graduates with general pharmacy profiles who have 9 stars of pharmacist qualifications adapted from the World Health Organization (WHO) which describe the role of pharmacists in the world of health as caregivers, educators, communicators, leaders, decision-makers, managers, lifelong learners, possess personal and professional responsibilities, and possess scientific understanding and research capabilities

    As a strategic step to respond to the industrial revolution 4.0, the graduates are equipped with soft kills obtained structurally from the curriculum, as well as co-curricular and extracurricular activities in the form of interdisciplinary content, soft skills, exposure to global competencies (enhanced stadium generale), and early exposure to the world of work according to the interests of students namely: hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical traditional medicine, pharmaceutical cosmetics and food, pharmaceutical distribution and marketing, pharmaceutical research and drug discovery, and community pharmacy and regulation.